The role of line managers in psychosocial risk management 

Essential skills for people leaders

Line managers play a pivotal role in ensuring an organization's adherence to recent laws concerning psychosocial risks in the workplace.

Often the first to notice signs of stress, burnout, or other psychosocial issues among team members, they are instrumental in fostering a supportive work environment. 

In this workshop we discussed the role line managers play in ensuring your organization complies with the new health and safety legislation on psychosocial hazards

Understanding Psychosocial Hazards and Risks

A psychosocial hazard is a hazard that arises from or relates to:

  • the design or management of work
  • a work environment
  • plant at a workplace (e.g. machinery, equipment)
  • workplace interactions and behaviours

and may cause psychological harm, whether or not the hazards may also cause physical harm.

Source: Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (2022). Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work – Code of Practice

A psychosocial risk is the likelihood that a psychosocial hazard will have a negative impact on employee psychological and/or physical health and safety.

Key Sources of Psychosocial Risks:
  • Work Relationships: Interpersonal conflicts or poor dynamics within teams.
  • Work Design: Tasks that are unclear or lack autonomy, causing stress and dissatisfaction.
  • Equipment and Systems: Inadequate tools or technology that hinder efficient work performance.
  • Work Environment: An organizational culture that does not promote or support mental well-being.

Source: Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (2022). Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work – Code of Practice

Regulatory Context - Australia

*Disclaimer: This information is intended for general awareness purposes only. You are required to get acquainted with all the legislation pertaining to your jurisdiction and all its requirements.

 Links to resources below:

Regulatory Landscape New Zealand - Snapshot

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
  • Employment Relations Act 2000 

*Disclaimer: This information is intended for general awareness purposes only. You are required to get acquainted with all the legislation pertaining to your jurisdiction and all its requirements.

Implementing Psychosocial Risk Management Frameworks

Effective management of psychosocial risks requires a structured approach, incorporating both legislative frameworks and internal policies that focus on prevention.

Hierarchy of Controls:
This framework, traditionally used for physical hazards, is equally effective for managing psychosocial risks. It includes:

  • Elimination: Removing the risk entirely, such as altering high-stress work practices.
  • Substitution and Engineering Controls: Modifying processes to reduce stressors.
  • Administrative Controls: Implementing flexible work schedules or clear job roles.
  • Personal Protective Equipment: Providing resources like access to counseling or mental health days.

The Crucial Role of Line Managers

Line managers are on the front lines of psychosocial risk management. They are instrumental in identifying hazards, communicating with employees, and implementing preventive measures.

Core Functions of Line Managers:
  • Contribute to the ongoing identification of psychosocial hazards
  • Contribute to ongoing reporting
  • Contribute to the identification and implementation of effective controls
8 competencies for line managers:
  • Understand what psychosocial hazards are and how they impact mental health
  • Understand when the risk of compensation claims/stress leave arises and how to mitigate it
  • Identify the signs of stress and poor mental health in staff and in themselves
  • Have effective and regular conversations with staff about psychosocial hazards and mental health
  • Set in place appropriate controls and interventions to manage workplace stress
  • Put in place appropriate measure to manage one’s own mental health
  • Understand the support available in the organisation, make use of it and share it with staff
  • Enact positive behaviours that promote psychological health and safety

For more details, please watch the recording of the live webinar below:


Message from Georgi

If you would like to explore opportunities to work together, book a 15-min chat below.

Some of the topics we can talk about include:

  • The Manager’s Toolkit: psychosocial risk management
  • Psychological Health and Safety for Staff
  • Psychosocial hazards Audit
  • A sustainable wellbeing strategy for your organisation
  • Wellbeing Training for your organisation

About Dr. Georgi Toma

Georgi is an expert in stress, burnout and workplace mental health.

She is the founder of Heart & Brain Works. She also conducts research at the University of Auckland.

She is the creator of the Wellbeing Protocol,  the only scientifically validated training to reduce burnout and improve mental wellbeing at work, in NZ and AU.

Research evidence shows the Wellbeing Protocol helps employees:

  • reduce stress by up to 58%
  • reduce burnout by up to 60%
  • improve metal wellbeing by up to 103%.

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Message from Georgi

If you would like to explore opportunities to work together, book a chat below. This is not a sales call. This is a 15-min chat to see if I can help or not.

Some of the topics we can talk about include:

  • Psychosocial hazards and mental wellbeing audit
  • The Wellbeing Protocol
  • How to create an effective and sustainable wellbeing strategy
  • Leader training
  • Culture of civility, respect and high performance intervention​
  • A sustainable wellbeing strategy for your organisation

About Dr. Georgi Toma

Georgi is an expert in stress, burnout and workplace mental health.

She is the founder of Heart & Brain Works. She also conducts research at the University of Auckland.

She is the creator of the Wellbeing Protocol,  the only scientifically validated training to reduce burnout and improve mental wellbeing at work, in NZ and AU.

Research evidence shows the Wellbeing Protocol helps employees:

  • reduce stress by up to 58%
  • reduce burnout by up to 60%
  • improve metal wellbeing by up to 103%.

We run free professional development sessions like this once a month.

Subscribe below to be notified about future sessions.

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